
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Human Resources Integration Essay

Hugh McCauley, the Chief Operations Officer of Riordan Manufacturing, has placed a service request, SR-rm-022 to integrate all existing Human Resources tools into a single integrated application across all plant locations. The business would like to take advantage of a more sophisticated, state-of-the-art, information systems technology to replace their current Human Resources Information System or HRIS (Riordan Manufacturing, 2006.) In response to this request, this document will outline the following items. The information-gathering techniques and systems analysis tools proposed for this project. Critical factors to ensure the sucessful gathering of information required for the project. Description of the project scope and the areas of project feasibility, and key stakeholders of which requirements will be collected are also discussed. INFORMATION GATHERINT TECHNIQUES AND SYSTEMS ANALYSIS TOOLS To ensure project success, it is important to gather your key stakeholders together to discuss the system. Key Stakeholders for this project would be key management personnel, IT staff, and users of both the legacy system, and the new system. Your key stakeholders will also be the first level of intelligence gathering performed. Key management personnel such as Hugh McCauley, the COO, who can give the corporate view of the legacy and the new system. HR Director Yvonne McMillian and Payroll/Tax Clerk Anan Richlich can give an exact use case on the HRIS system, and will be the two primary sources of legacy information. Director Yvonne can determine training requirements with the help of the IT department. The IT department can provide information about the legacy system and the capabilities of the current infrastructure of the business. IT can also judge and approve new requirements, privacy structures, and future support needed to maintain the  system. Face-to-face interviews will allow information gathering from these key individuals. Questions, an outline of topics, and a primary agenda will be provided beforehand to maximize the use of available time in hectic schedules. We will also be occasionally meeting to discuss the direction the system is heading, timelines, priorities, and key players’ lists to ensure success of the project. There is another primary source of information which needs addressing, and this is the group of people who handle information we will be adding which did not exist in the legacy system. This group can submit examples of their files, which will determine another part of the scope of the system, and use cases of how that information is gathered. After this information has been collected, documented and studied, the system development process can begin. The system will be designed using the Joint Application Development (JAD) method. JAD is a prototyping method which gathers our key players listed above, along with other designated individuals to collectively refine business requirements while in conference with the design team of the software and the support team from IT. â€Å"The JAD process also includes approaches for enhancing user participation, expediting the development, and improving the quality of specifications. It consists of a workshop where knowledge workers and IT specialists meet, sometimes for several days, to define and review the business requirements for the system.† (Joint Application Design – Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, n.d.) Using this prototyping method ensures that each key factors such as project support and misdirection will not be an issue. This also ensures that the project gets the continued support it will need in the future to succeed. SCOPE AND FEASIBILITY During the Analysis phase of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), several areas of project feasibility come into play. As discussed above, determining fully the system requirements ensures that you are filling the need of the system. â€Å"A preliminary study is then conducted to confirm and evaluate the need. A proposal of how the need may be satisfied is then made.† (Scope of Feasibility Analysis | Bicara Property, n.d.) The necessity of the system, as well as the improvements and requirements of the new system, will all be handled within the JAD process, allowing final project scope and requirements development. These developments can be realized  financially to allow final budgetary requirements determination. All of these determinations hinge upon the proper system scope being defined. During this process, the unique considerations are also shared. In this project, the request was to â€Å"Create a detailed system design and a project implementation plan required to complete the project. The project should be completed in approximately six months allowing new system utilization in the second quarter of next year.† (Riordan Manufacturing, 2006.) This design process includes checks and balances, giving the project the fullest chance of success. During the entire process, oversight will be maintained by corporate leadership. Final approval before entering the next phase of the SLDC allowing equipment purchasing approval from the COO, Hugh McCauley. By following this process, we can ensure this project produces a system which fulfills the requirements, bringing a â€Å"sophisticated, state-of-the-art, information system† to Riordan Manufacturing’s Human Resources Department. (Riordan Manufacturing, 2006.) During the JAD process, two methods were determined to fit the requirements, building a system in-house using programmers’ already on staff or using off the shelf software from a major corporation. To fulfill user testing requirements, a trial version of the BambooHR software was tested by staff and management. The BambooHR software fulfills all the requirements with less downtime for the company, saving valuable resources and eliminating the need for more support staff to be hired. The design process for this system began by gathering relevant data for the current system and by building both requirements for the new system and use cases of the current processes in the Human Resources department. After gathering and sorting the new system requirements using the Joint Application Design process, it is now possible to continue to design both the application architecture and apply the tools of system analysis to describe the information systems. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE The client/server architecture is one of the most prevalent system architectures used in corporations. With Riordan’s requirements to allow multiple sites access to data and to ensure that data remains secure, the data will be stored on the server, and access routed through a secondary  application server. The application server hosts the applications which access the data, allowing a lower cost local machine, and can allow both intranet access and outside access using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection to create a secure encrypted link between the client and the server. This style of client/server architecture is referred to as a three-tiered architecture due to the three tiers involved in accessing the data. Although this method may seem bulky at first, this will allow many different benefits for data security and lower overall cost of the system as requirements are lower for the client computers. The determined requirements for multiple locations to share and modify data leaving with Riordan only required to supply the client systems with no additional support necessary for a data server or application server. Eliminating the current architecture on hand will save maintenance, upgrade and support costs, both in monetary and staff requirements. The chosen software, Bamboo Human Information Resource System (HRIS) follows the same requirements recommended in terms of hardware as those designed using system analysis. ARCHITECTURE DIAGRAM SECURITY CONTROLS Security is the ability to protect the information system from disruption and data loss, whether caused by an international act (e.g., a hacker or a terrorist attack) or a random event (e.g., disk failure, tornado.) according to SYSTEMS TEXTBOOK. In modern corporations, internal threats can become much more dangerous than external threats. To combat both types of threats implementation of the following security protocols will be included in the system: DATA Data must be kept secure and confidential, protected from both internal and external threats at all times. Data encryption and passwords will be used in addition to other security features to protect employees. Data stored externally to the server, such as the outsourced benefits data will be reviewed for security procedures and evaluated annually. Currently the data is decentralized, being stored in different offices and by various methods, creating a security problem that the new system can correct. The first step  to addressing this will be to ensure secure storage of all data. Consolidating data allows secure controls on the access each person has to the secured data by both the application used to access the server, and the access controls given them when they log in. This will also allow multiple applications to access the same data, while leaving greater flexibility to find the best software to fit multiple needs. Each user can add, remove, and manipulate only the data they are given access to, no matter the platform the data is being accessed form. PROCESSES Some legacy processes consolidation will occur as the data is consolidated, and certain processes would benefit from using third party software thereby gaining security certificates and minimizing the amount of knowledge and training required for our Information Technologies department. Many of the software suppliers will assist with training, modification and installation making the transition from the legacy system easier on staff. INTERFACES System interfaces describe how the system shares information with outside sources such as outsourced data, user requests, and internal data sharing. As Intrusion Detection and Identity Management systems will protect the internal data interfaces, as discussed above, the user interface design process needs to be addressed. As many of the users currently only have forms built for their information and no system to store them in, Riordan Manufacturing can evaluate different third party solutions for a web-based system. Using a web-based system, such as Bamboo HRIS allows applications to be placed on a remote server, lowering the cost of the clients used and saving valuable money and resources. Employees accessing the application server via the intranet will use username/password combinations to decrypt data on their local machine, while access from external sources, including employees at a remote site will use a private key encryption system to decrypt their data. This process minimizes the amount of data stored on the individual clients in case of theft or destruction of client resources. NETWORK The network consists of the backbone, data server, application server, firewall, and clients. There are four processes that will be used to protect  the network from unauthorized access: Implementation of Intrusion Detection System – This system conducts real-time monitoring of the network, database, traffic, and user access and activity to find possible intrusion or security risks. Log Management Program – Almost all software produces logs which store information on user access, file management, and data modification to name a few examples. Consolidating these logs into easier to read and understand can help identify potential security risks. Identity Management Systems – Control access to resources and data based on the users identification within the system, i.e. the user’s login credentials.   Training for Security Measures – The best security system will not function to its highest potential unless staff are trained in the use of the system. This training includes proper in-processing and out-processing procedures to protect from unauthorized access. Although the Systems Development Life Cycle is a continuous cycle, the final step for this Human Resources Information System project is the Implementation and Operations phase. This is the most expensive and time-consuming phase due to the amount of personnel, resources, and time involved. According to Valacich, George, and Hoffer (2012), there are seven major activities, coding, testing, installation, documentation, training, support, and maintenance. This document will explore the first six activities, giving a brief description and the plan for implementation at Riordan Manufacturing of the Bamboo Human Resources Information System. It is important to ensure that each of these activities are adequately defined, as many of them are conducted multiple times during the life of the system, and some are carried out on a daily basis. Building proper procedures for staff and support personnel to follow ensures that all upgrade or modification testing is accomplished to the same standards as the original system. CODING Coding is the process by which designs are transferred into the physical form that is computer software. As the selected system requires no coding, this  aspect will not be planned for TESTING Testing is an involved process which begins with the first section of code and continues throughout the life of the system. There are several different methods of testing in use today, some in which the code is run to verify operation and output, and some in which a code error review is conducted without operation. The Inspection method involves a physical inspection of the code, checking for syntax, grammar, or other fundamental errors before running the code while ignoring the purpose of the code. The inspection method usually removes the majority of errors found in the program. A Walkthrough allows testing of the code for functionality and to determine if the code fulfills the design requirements identified by the design team. Desk Checking, another form of checking and verifying code involves running the code with paper and pen to determine the logical validity of the code without running any lines of code. The previous methods of testing are focused on catching issues when writing code and may not apply to the code purchased off the shelf, or in modular form to work within an existing system. With the cost of development for code, especially in smaller companies this may not be a viable option, however even if purchasing prepackaged code, there are tests which should be run to ensure no problems will be found during installation. After the code has been validated by manual means, or for purchased code, it can be processed by a program, such as a compiler, to verify that there are no significant errors by Syntax Checking. Syntax Checking can also be run automatically each time the program saves a file to identify issues which arise causing the system to need maintenance. Code is generally written in modular form in today’s environments, and there are methods of testing which lend themselves well to this. Unit testing is designed to test each individual module or unit to verify operation before the modules are combined together into a system. Testing individual modules may seem to be difficult as many modules share data and information, the way to fix any call errors is by using Stub Testing. During Stub testing, lines of instructions are inserted in the code to emulate a response from an outside source allowing the program to complete without errors. After testing the modules, they are combined and tested again during Integration testing, using a top-down approach to verifying communications and data sharing logic is sound. The final method  to discuss is System Testing, the act of testing the finalized system, using the same top-down approach from the Integration phase. The software chosen for Riordan Manufacturing to satisfy the needs listed is off-the-shelf giving limited testing requirements. Alpha Testing was accomplished during the final steps of the JAD, or Joint Application Design, process and beta testing will commence using key stakeholders in the project once final project approval has been given. INSTALLATION The installation process involves transitioning from the legacy system to the new system and can occur in several different approaches, direct, parallel, single location, and phased. â€Å"Each installation strategy involves converting not only software but also data and (potentially) hardware, documentation, work methods, job descriptions, offices and other facilities, training materials, business forms, and other aspects of the systems† (Dennis, Wixom, & Roth, 2012, ). Each of these different installation methods has their positive and negative aspects, and can be combined to fit the needs of the business requirements. The Direct Approach is a cold turkey shut down of the legacy system with no transition time, which can be dangerous if there are issues with the new system, or if support or training are lacking, however, this can drive the new system as there is no choice but success. In the Parallel installation method, the legacy system is left running allowing a safety net; however, this requires support for both systems causing increased cost to the business. A Single Location approach can allow for adjustments before all sites are brought online, however while the other locations continue to use the legacy system, data must be bridged between the two systems and the same additional costs of the Parallel system are incurred. Finally the Phased approach gradually transitions between the two systems, making transitions easier for the staff, yet limits the newer system to the constraints of the older system as they must share data. For Riordan’s new HRIS, the direct approach will be combined with the phased approach. Currently only the corporate site is using the legacy system, and phasing the other locations onto the system will allow training in phases by location. DOCUMENTATION Documentation of a system comes in several different forms each of utmost  importance. To ensure that the system can be adequately supported and repaired, System documentation is required. To ensure that users properly understand the system, User documentation such as a user’s guide, release description, system administrator’s guide, reference documentation and user acceptance are required. Systems documentation, user’s guide and reference documentation for this system is provided by Bamboo HR after purchase of the system is completed, and acceptance sign-off will be completed as the final step of the installation. TRAINING As systems can only function to the level at which users can operate the system, user training is tantamount to success of an installation. User training can occur in many different forms, classroom led training, literary resources, and online training, all of which are educational tools to heighten productivity and ensure system success. Support staff will also be trained to understand not only how the user accomplishes tasks within the system, but also the how the system performs these tasks if repair or maintenance is to be conducted. Training on the HRIS will be carried out by BambooHR using several different methods for different topics. As the system will be maintained by an outside company, the focus for Riordan will be user training. All staff will be trained using online methods with documentation support for using the new system as all pertinent employee information will be handled through the online system to include benefits, vacation time, and training. Specialist training will be available for the following procedures; benefit tracking, recruitment, employee and management training, employee tracking, login management, payroll activities, report management, change requests and performance reviews by BambooHR. In addition, IT support staff will receive refresher training in application program interface to allow for interactivity and continued development of the system as business needs change. SUPPORT Support of a system is conducted not only on the system itself, in terms of upgrades for the hardware and software, and backups of the data, but also support for the users. With any system, issues occur during use, and an avenue for users to report these quickly and accurately, and receive assistance for problems is required. Tracking these reported problems can  help system analysts and support staff determine if there is a fix for the software or hardware, or if more user training can solve the issues. CONCLUSION Purchasing the Bamboo HRIS program has both tangible and intangible benefits for Riordan Manufacturing. The financial aspect, $16,512 a year ($8 per employee for 172 regular employees) dwarfs the price of purchasing and installing the required hardware to run an on-site system, while removing the current outsourcing which exists for benefits management. Provided training, customer support, security support, data migration, business report design and security upgrades add to the overall corporate value and dispensing of the legacy system releases it support personnel while lowering utility and maintenance bills. Determinations of the proper level of support staffing needed to continue business operations after the legacy system retirement will be conducted to eliminate nonessential personnel. REFERENCES Cutler, T. P. (2015). Internal vs. external threats – Digital locksmiths. Retrieved from http://digitallocksmithsinc.com/2013/03/27/internal-vs-external-threats/#.VQ5XR-HZBww Riordan Manufacturing (2006). Riordan Intranet. Retrieved March 15, 2015 from http://ecampus.phoenix.edu/secure/aapd/cist/libraries/IT Service Requests.htm University of Phoenix 2005-2009 Unified Security Management USM Platform. (2015). Retrieved from https://www.alienvault.com/products?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=CPC&utm_term=%2Balienvault&utm_campaign=SITELINK-ALIENVAULT_USM&gclid=COrosKLUv8QCFRSIfgodGr4AUg Joint application design – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joint_application_design Bicara, Bedes (2009). Bicara Property. Retrieved January 16, 2010 from http://bicaraproperty.wordpress.com/2009/08/19/scope-of-feasibility-analysis BambooHR: Human resources software for small and medium businesses. (2015). Retrieved from http://www.bamboohr.com/ Valacich, J. S., George, J. F., & Hoffer, J. A. (2012). Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design (5th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Domino’s Pizza, Inc

Domino's Pizza, Inc. is an international pizza delivery corporation headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States. Founded in 1960, Domino’s Pizza is the second-largest pizza chain in the United States. In 1960, Tom Monaghan and his brother, James, purchased DomiNick's, a small pizza store in Ypsilanti, Michigan. The deal was secured by a $75 down payment and the brothers borrowed $500 to pay for the store. Eight months later, James traded his half of the business to Tom for a used Volkswagen Beetle. As sole owner of the company, Tom Monaghan renamed the business Domino's Pizza, Inc. in 1965. In 1967, the first Domino's Pizza franchise store opened in Ypsilanti. Tom Monaghan original goal was to open three pizza delivery stores. That’s why there are three dots on Domino’s logo. Domino’s Pizza continued to grow and in 1978 opened its 200th store. Tom Monaghan launched Domino's Pizza Malaysia in September 1997. Franchising in Malaysia is still in the early stages while fast foods dominate the franchising sector with an estimated annual sales exceeding RM1. 3 billion. With the people’s growing appetite for fast food, the market outlook is good. The rapid growth of the fast-food industry brings both benefits and threats to our society. Normally, fast food restaurant is offering fried chickens, burgers, sandwiches or pizzas. Further more, there are only a few pizza chains in Malaysia like Domino’s Pizza, Pizza Hut and Shakey’s Pizza. Today, Domino’s Pizza is having more than 8,500 stores at all around the world and making a profit of USD35 billion per year. Domino's Pizza is the recognized world leader in pizza delivery operating a network of company-owned and franchise-owned stores in the United States and international markets. Domino's Pizza's vision illustrates a company of exceptional people on a mission to be the best pizza delivery company in the world.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Macroeconomic Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Macroeconomic Analysis - Essay Example In the short run there would be relatively high rates of unemployment due to reduced money supply in an economy (Piros, 2013). Borrowing of funds will be quiet expensive as the rates of interest would be hiked to discourage the general public from holding more funds as the population remains relatively low decreasing the demand. Since the central bank offering more interest at present, the general public will have desire to invest in the feds proposal and limit other wants as it would be profitable to hold the government securities than to hold money (Mariathasan, 2010). The population in the nation is relatively low with little income at their disposal and with an increasing levels of unemployment, an increase in supply to any public commodity will not yield profits rather losses. Even if the feds invests the money for the improvement of the society, in the short run the economy will have to bear with increasing rates of inflation due to the reduced circulation of money Due to the economic changes above, I would advise my uncle not to invest in the shops and houses as it would be relatively expensive as the rates of construction will be relatively high due to the high interest rates (Mariathasan, 2010) Furthermore, the demand for the commodities will be highly reduced due to the decrease of money that circulates in the economy leaving consumers with relatively small amounts to spend on utilities like new housing. Housing construction are investment that is majorly determined by the population of the country. A small population will make the venture unattractive while taking a much longer time to recover its cost which will only results in holding capital that would have been otherwise invested elsewhere like in the government securities which would bring instant income in the present and the future. The economy will also

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Glider 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Glider 3 - Assignment Example The glider fuselage has a rounded nose and sleek thus allowing easy flow of air can flow efficiently around it. The feature is also enhanced by the presence of the tapered body of the fuselage (Yechout & Morris, 2003). The wing design for the glider represents intrinsic part of the glider. It has various arrangements of braces, ribs, edges and many other parts designed to strengthen the wing part of the glider. The glider wing has planform exhibiting high aspect ratio, variable and tapered aerofoil shape. The wing allows for straight model of sweeping by entailing wing motion through the right angles to anticipated line of flight. The selection of the type of the glider wing focuses on allowing of low-speed design. The wings provide essential lift force, and therefore is most imperative lift-producing element of the glider (Yechout & Morris, 2003). The four spars mainly provide the lateral strength for the wing. Ribs are attached to the spars to complete the structural parts. There is a rising angle is called the dihedral which aids in keeping the airplane from rolling suddenly while on flight. AOI or the angle at which the wing is linked to the fuselage is mainly 5o. The wings have variable b and c features on it. The empennage has rudder, vertical stabilizer, engine pylon, elevator and horizontal adjustable stabilizer as the main typical parts. There is well designed to provide stability and enhanced control for the glider. The main two parts entailing the empennage includes vertical stabilizer otherwise called fin on which the rudder is normally attached. There is another segment called horizontal stabilizer on which the elevators are conventionally attached. The typical stabilizers facilitate proper pointing of the glider to the wind as normally, when the tail section of the glider swing to any side, the wind thrust against the tail sides and surfaces. This action maintains the proper place of the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Assessment questions for Global Marketing Essay

Assessment questions for Global Marketing - Essay Example lection of segmentation criteria, collection of relevant information, profiling of geographical location of the consumers as per the segmentation criteria, evaluation of the appropriateness or the attractiveness of the segmentation and updating and reassigning the segment membership. Identification of the purpose of global market segmentation involves the assessment of different segmentation strategies. These segmentation strategies assist global organizations to analyze the major objectives of market segmentation. These objectives consists the identification of customer needs to offer more suitable product for them, improvement of customer profitability by analyzing pricing process, identification of new target consumer groups, improvisation of customer retention and identification of growth opportunities to gather desired market share. The proper analysis of the marketing strategy will enable organization to adequately assess the market segmentation requirement. After identifying the major purposes, it is essential to analyse the suitable segmentation criteria. There are a number of based or methods which can be utilized to segment different global marketplace. The segmentation bases can be divided according to traditional process as well as the requirement of emerging market. The traditional segmentation bases include demographic, geographic, cultural, environmental, psychographic and behavioural criteria. On the other hand, the emerging segmentation bases focuses on response elasticises and product diffusion pattern. The choice of the bases of segmentation is one of the most important factors for global market segmentation. Global organisation need to focus on the selection of the right base for their market segmentation procedure in terms of their products/ services and customers profile. The segmentation bases for global market differs due to the differences in consumers responses and product features. The selection of wrong bases of th e segmentation can

Economic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Economic - Essay Example The Assad regime, as well as the rebel forces, violated an otherwise, failed UN - backed cease-fire, led by the former Secretary-General of the United Nations, Koffi Anan, in late October. The fighting has heightened in neighbouring Lebanon, home to Iran-backed Hezbollah, and prompted cross-border shelling between Syria and Turkey. The unrest also proved to be an attraction for global jihadists like the al-Qaeda-linked groups, fighting for the formation of an Islamist state (Landis 75). Following the Syrian civil war, the Arab League acted swiftly and immediately suspended Syrian membership to the organization, In addition, the league imposed imposed stringent economic embargos in November 2011(Masters). Despite the lack of support from Syria’s friendly nations like Russia, the sanctions have had a noticeable economic impact. The European Union sanctions have also served to redefine partnerships with other powers, both globally and in the Middle East. The EU, supported by the US sanctions, initially asked Al-Assad to negotiate with the opposition to cease repression, and  leave office as from August 2011 (Balfour). The sanctions against Syria are unprecedented since they accumulated the whole set in just a few months. Some of the notable sanctions entail an energy embargo. Prior to the embargo, the EU’s import of Syrian crude was worth over â‚ ¬3 billion a year, mostly to Italy and Germany. The economic sanctions have had a significant impact on the Syrian economy. Oil is the mainstay of the Syrian economy, and the Western ban has exacted a heavy toll on the country. In view of these developments, Sufian Allaw, the Wyrian oil minister, indicated that the imposed restrictions cost the country about $4 billion (â€Å"Syria Says†). The United States also placed a range of sanctions on Syria that prevent aid and restrict bilateral trade. Before the

Friday, July 26, 2019

International business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 13

International business - Essay Example nce, it is an effort to integrate or transverse some of national boundaries that reduce the national barriers and the businesses can compete for productive inputs and customers across the globe. In other words, it can be explained as an effort to reduce national barriers and establish broader market that permits all buyers and sellers to persuade business activities at a global level. The process of globalization can not only be identified as a buzz word but it will provide opportunities to accelerate pace of major business. Despite the fact, globalization will provide greater opportunities for the business to expand its markets, improve the pace of its performance and productivity. Globalization still remains to be one of the debatable and controversial issues in contemporary times. Researchers claim that the globalization is an excellent concept to boost up economic prosperity but elimination of national barriers cannot be attained. It has created a confusion and paradox situation for the business entities to integrate its operations at a global platform. The statement ‘The problem with the globalization is that there is not enough of it’ indicates that the concept of globalization is not absolutely attainable that has created problem itself. Therefore, the present essay paper will critically analyze advantages and disadvantages of Globalization to interpret the statement. Werhane (2012) explains globalization as an integration process of national economies within the international economy, through trade flows, foreign direct investments, short capital flows, technologies flow and labor forces (Werhane, 2012). The integration of the economies has increased diversity, complications, and controversies because of its multi dimensional nature. Sebastian and Elisabeta (2014) Claim that with the passage of time globalization stresses on the increasing process of integrations among countries within regional economies and political structures, with respect to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Describe Maslow's hierarchy of needs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Describe Maslow's hierarchy of needs - Essay Example Human tries to first achieve deficiency needs than after he tries to achieve growth needs that are continually shaping behavior [Wikipedia]. Biological and Physiological needs: Physiological needs take highest priority, because it can control thoughts and behaviors causing people to feel sick, pain and discomfort. These types of needs mainly consist of air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep, homeostasis and excretion Safety needs: This need comes after the Physiological needs are met. This is a natural phenomenon that one moves next level after achieving one stage. Everyone wants to have safety and security. This may be for physical security, health security, employment security, revenues, property and resources security, moral and physiological security, family security, etc. Belongingness and Love needs: When physiological and safety needs are met than human want to have social needs that mainly involves emotionally based relationships. This type of needs is workgroup, supportive and communicative family, affection, relationships, Friendship, and sexual intimacy. A human nature needs to feel belonging and acceptances from social group or social connections and love and to be loved (sexually and non-sexually) by others. Absence of these needs can cause one to feel being alone and depressed. Sometime belonging and love need overcome the physiological and safety needs that depend on the strength of the peer pressure. Esteem Needs: According to Maslow, all humans have a need to be respected, to have self-respect, and to respect others. People need to engage themselves in order to gain recognition. People have an activity or activities that give the person a sense of contribution, to feel accepted and self-value, be it in a profession or hobby. Imbalances at this level can result in low self-esteem, inferiority complexes, and an inflated sense of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Aspect Of The Decision Making Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Aspect Of The Decision Making Process - Essay Example The survey included young students on whom the study had been conducted. All of them were job applicants and the results obtained reveals attractiveness as an important aspect of the decision making process in various organizations, especially attractiveness has great effect on the recruitment process of an organization and the effect is both positive and negative. The key prediction for this study stated that for job interviews, people on the recruitment panel will highly prefer attractive candidates of the opposite sex while high chances are there that they would reject extremely attractive candidate of the same sex. For the present study the researcher took the help of primary data collection technique. In case of a primary research, the researcher who is trying to gather data and relevant insights focus on information gathering mostly through the process of usage of a survey instrument like a questionnaire or an interview. A quantitative research methodology was applied to the st udy. It was found that a quantitative method would be suitable for the study since in this kind of research the researcher tries to observe and measure the effect and influence of the assumed variables on the main theme that is supposed to be covered by the research topic. Statistical methods of analysis have been employed for analyzing the data collected. The study included 223 female respondents and 162 male participants and their Mean age was 23 for females and 24 for males. These respondents were asked to evaluate and select a job applicant out of four applicants on the basis of their CV to which photo of the candidate had been attached. Even though it was evident from the CV that all the candidates were evenly competent for the position, their physical appearance influenced their selection to a great extent. It was found that the respondents evaluating an applicant of the opposite gender exhibited positive favoritism that can be expected for the extremely eye-catching applicant s and subsequently they were more often recommended for the job position. On contrary, the respondents evaluating a candidate of the opposite sex demonstrated the exactly opposite trait i.e. displaying a negative prejudice towards the good looking applicants of the same sex. This prototype was intervened partly by the longing for social touch with the applicants i.e. the respondents was more prone towards working with and befriending the attractive applicant of the opposite sex. The given illustration shows the results obtained from the study- Males and females were equally inclined towards negative preference against striking samples of their own gender. The resultant size for the negative bias was .50 and .39 for male and female respondents respectively. The desire for social interaction reveals .61 and .43 for the men and women respectively. Study2 The exploration was continued in the second study but with a different scenario. This time the candidates were evaluated by the respo ndents not for a job interview but for the application procedure for admission into their universities. For This study instead of static photographs, virtual videotaped interviews in a laboratory setting. In this study a sum of 265 students of psychology comprising 108 male and 157 female were employed in a university campus on the basis of the same criteria as was considered for the first study. In order to control the sex and the attractiveness of the university aspirant, a mock graduate enrollment Interview was displayed in which specialized actors appeared as the interviewer and the applicant. The participants were not allowed to know the purpose of the study. Results

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Constitutional Interpretations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Constitutional Interpretations - Essay Example According to U.S. Constitution online, there are four basic methods of constitutional interpretation; Originalism or original intent, Modernism or Instrumentalism, Literalism and Democratic or normative reinforcement. Originalism, â€Å"The theory that in constitutional adjudication judges should be bound by the intent of the farmers,† where â€Å"Farmer† refers to those who wrote and ratified the Constitution, is a regulative theory of constitutional interpretation whose purpose is to provide this guarantee and prevent constitutional interpretation from becoming political in the policy-making sense of the term. They consider it the original way of interpretation and look for guidance from makers if there is some ambiguity. According to this method, the constitution is interpreted in a traditional way of farmers. In this method, it is determined that how the farmer had thought and interpreted. For knowing the farmer’s way, different sources are used, for example, newspapers, Federalist papers, contemporary writings of the farmers and Constitution as well. This interpretation of approach is limited because only a few hundred people of the same kind cannot be the representatives of the diverse population of today. Modernism is exactly opposite to the originalism as they perceive original text to be old and not in consideration with today’s world and its requirements. They believe in changing and improving constitution with time as modern development and scenarios can change the whole meaning.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Occurrence of distress Essay Example for Free

Occurrence of distress Essay According to Bandura (1976), depression arises from frightful events that are anticipated rather than those that have occurred or are occurring. Hence, any person’s solution to depression is to plan in advance so that the events that occur are taken to be normal, with no adverse impacts. In much the same way, Beck’s theory highlights the future as a cause of anxiety among individuals. Beck (1971) noted that individuals who look at the future with diminished hope are likely to achieve little in their lives and live under perpetual fear. In addition, such individuals are prone to committing errors in their work and are full of negative beliefs about whatever they do. Random thoughts and distortion of thinking In relation to Bandura’s social cognitive theory, people act the way they do because of the patterns of thought and emotional reactions that they develop. Hence, the ability to tackle distressing events skillfully is vital in fending off conditions of depression. Bandura (2006) opined that random thoughts could make people to perceive some tasks to be too tedious, while the same thoughts can also make some people develop an urge to take more diverse and difficult tasks. Therefore, people’s performance in various tasks depends on how well their pattern of thought functions. This pattern of thought is nothing but the organization of the mind at any time in readiness for work. Bandura noted that individuals who are well prepared to work accomplish their tasks fast and derive much satisfaction. The converse is true for individuals who lack vigor and are always outdone by difficult situations. Seemingly supporting Bandura’s idea is a point in the description of Beck’s theory, which says that people usually have schemas of distress in their mind albeit in a latent state. Hence, if an individual if provoked, the schema becomes engaged and the person becomes irritated. Nevertheless, the level of irritation or depression depends on the character of the person involved. In this perspective, Beck (1979) noted that depression is usually a systematic dysfunction of the mind that leads to the development of negative opinions about oneself, other people or the environments, and the future. Further distortion of thinking hinders proper development of concepts in the mind and leads to depression. Comparing the two theories with reference to depression, it is notable that distress or depression arises among people because of failure to properly coordinate the faculties of their minds. Whilst adults are more affected by depression, both theories recommend that training children to overcome depression should be done early enough in order to avoid future occurrences of the problem. Inasmuch as the triads used as models for Bandura’s Cognitive Theory and Beck’s Cognitive Theory have different constituents, the arguments and illustrations to elucidate both theories seem to be unified in the context of behavior, personality, character and so on. Nonetheless, the two theories still portray differences, which are discussed in the next sessions.

Miser to Man of the city in a Christmas Carol Essay Example for Free

Miser to Man of the city in a Christmas Carol Essay Scrooge is not very well like by the Cratchits. You can see this by I wish I had him here. Id give him a piece of my mind to feast upon and I hope hed have a good appetite for it. This shows that he is not liked because he is an odious, stingy, hard, unfeeling man. This make Scrooge feel bad and he learns a valuable lesson. Treat others as you wish to be treated. If he doesnt want to be called bad tempered, money grabbing, old sinner, then we has to be caring and thoughtful. Scrooge every year at his nephew Freds house, is invited to a Christmas party, but always turns it down. Scrooge is not very well liked by the people at the party especially Fred. You can tell this by they invent a new game called yes or no. This shows that Scrooge is talked behind this back and that people do not care if they hurt his feeling. Scrooge feels unwanted and uncared for. You can tell this by One half hour, Spirit, only one. This shows that Scrooge has feeling and he wants to go as soon as possible because he crying and in great disbelief. Scrooges future looks uncertain when he goes into the future and sees him in a corner of the graveyard, unnoticed, uncared for. You can from this point that Scrooge is at the end of his tether. You can tell this by For the first time his hand appeared to shake. This shows that Scrooge has become more and more frightened and knows he must change his future to be cared for and missed dearly. He does not breakdown till this point because he can not change the past and that does not bother him. At the end of all the spirits visiting Scrooge is disappointed himself by being a selfish, lonely, old man. The Last straw is when he visits his own grave. He is already depressed with the entire trauma and another dig in his grave has made him tremble in fear. You can tell this by The Spirit stood among the graves, and pointed down to one. He advanced towards it trembling. This shows that Scrooge is scared of him and wants to change rather than just a person who has just died. Scrooge really wants to change because he doesnt want to be the man in the corner that no one visits. You can tell this by Are these the shadows of the things that will be, or are they the shadows of the things that may be, only. This shows that Scrooge wants to change because of his experiences over the night. He wants to know that if he changes and mingles with people he will not die and nobody will care. He gets more and more distressed because the spirit wont tell him if he can change his shadows of the future. You can tell this by Assure me that I yet may change these shadows you have shown me, by an altered life. He is on his knees, desperately trying to change his future. This tells us from this point onwards Scrooge will be a changed man to avoid distressing death. Scrooge wakes up the next morning a changed man, a generous man. You can tell this by Scrooge regarded everyone with a delighted smile. This shows that Scrooge has took into great account of what the spirits said and gone out to change his future. He is a changed man to the public. You can tell this by If you please, said Scrooge and not a farthing less. A great many back-payments are included in it, I assure you This shows Scrooge as being as kind, thoughtful, caring man rather than a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching covetous old sinner. Scrooge now respects the poor people more than ever, especially the Cratchits. You can tell this by and therefore I am about to raise your salary. This shows that Scrooge would rather share more of his money to make more people happy than just himself. This is different from the beginning because when the gentleman comes to visit he pushes him away and believes in Laissez Faire. Scrooge has now become a happier and more cheerful human being because he has changed his way of living. You can tell this by they all sit around the table eating Christmas dinner. This shows he is not self-contained, lonely old sinner, but a sociable character and because he changed his actions, Tiny Tim did live and Scrooge and his family say God bless Us, Everyone!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Omar Khayyam Was A Persian Mathematician History Essay

Omar Khayyam Was A Persian Mathematician History Essay Omar Khayyam was a Persian mathematician, philosopher, astronomer, physician and a poet. He was born in Nishapur, Persia on 18 May, 1048 (AD) and he died on 4 Dec, 1131 (AD). He wrote treatises on mechanics, geography, and music. Khayyam had superior intelligence, his expertise were in many different subject areas. Just like most ancient scientists Omar Khayyam was also a polymath. Khayyams full name was Ghiyath al-Din Abul-Fath Umar ibn Ibrahim Al-Nisaburi al-Khayyami. A litteral translation of al-Khayyami is tent maker which possibly came from his father Ibrahims trade. Khayyam was an established astronomer and mathematician of the medieval period. He was recognized for the most important treatise on algebra, as shown in his Treatise on Demonstration of Problems of Algebra giving geometric method for solving cubic equations by intersecting a hyperbola with a circle. One of his greatest achievements in astronomy was that he came up with a calendar to figure the length of the tropical year. This calendar was so accurate that it is still used today. Khayyam was truly an intellectual being, whose legacy continues in the 21st century. Khayyam may have proposed a heliocentric theory a long time before Nicolaus Copernicus. This theory states that the sun is stationary and is placed in the center of the universe, and the earth and other planets revolve around it. Khayyam has not only impacted the Persian world but has also had a substantial impact in the west through literature and his scholarly work. Edward FitzGerald was one the man that made Khayyam famous in the western world. FitzGerald translated Khayyams work into English and the result was a small number of quatrains, also known as rubaiyaas in the Rubà ¡iyà ¡t of Omar Khayyà ¡m. Khayyam is well known for his scientific and poetic writings, but he has received very little credit as a philosopher and a teacher. Al-Zamakhshari was a famous medieval muslim scholar of Iranian origin. He recognized Khayyam as a philosopher of the world. Now there are many sources that confirm that Khayyam spent a lot of his life teaching the philosophy of Ibn Sina in Nishapur. Most of Khayyams life was spent in Nishapur, and he passed away there as well. He is buried in a masterpiece of Iranian architecture, which is visited by many people every year. Nishapur was located near an ancient civilization of china and India. Every year, the high school that Omar Khayyam attended has a national day of celebration, where they credit this genius mans work and pray that may god bring many more Omar Khayyam in the future. The original Nishapur city does not exist anymore due to some earth quakes and the Mongol invasions later on. Only some remains of Nishapur exist today. This was a very large city, in 1040AD Persia was invaded by the Turkish tribe know as the Sultans. They defeated the rulers and made this city the capital of their new empire. The sultans came converted to Islam and had knowledge of agriculture and civilization and they had no intention to destroy the land. During the time of Khayyam, the ruling king was Malik Shah, also known as JalÄ l al-Dawlah Malik-shÄ h. He was remembered as one of the greatest Seljuk Sultans and he ruled from 1072 to 1092. Under Malik Shahs ruling colleges in Nishapur were opened where some of the finest scholars studied, and Khayyam was one of them. People would come to Nishapur from all over the world to study and they would take Nishapurs great name back to their home with glory. Khayyam became so famous due to his work that a lunar crater and a small planet is even named after him. Abour 900 years after Khayyams death, his name appears everywhere in what is known in the modern days as Tehran. Manny people were inspired by Omar Khayyam genious work and a person with a name of Ali Dhebashi even wrote a book called May va Mina translated in English as Wine and the Wine Glass. The author mentions that he only wrote the book to satisfy his own curiosity. This book contains a collection of the most important articles about Khayyam on different aspects of life. This books presents a very accurate picture of Omar Khayyam, about his poetry, mathematics and his understanding of how he managed to understand the depth of the human spirit. Every summer professors and intellectual people gather in the University of Cambridge to celebrate Omar Khayyams achievements. The man responsible for making Omar Khayyam well known in the west was Edward FitzGerald. He was from a very wealthy Irish family, and his parents were known to be one of the richest people in England. FitzGerald went to Cambridge University, but never really had a profession or a job. He had a very nice personality and was very friendly person. FitzGerald soon became friends with a young linguist called Edward Cowell. In 1857, Cowell found some Persian poetry written by Omar Khayyam in a library located in Kolkata, India and gave them to FitzGerald. He translated this book and the first edition was published during January in 1859, it was titled as Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. This book did not gather much attention at first and it was not until 1868 that the Rubaiyat started to become famous and FitzGerald was urged to write a revised second version. The original Rubaiyat was produced around 550 years ago, and still it has been kept in its original condition. It is still hard for a person that speaks Persian now in the 21st century to translate just a couple of lines of the Rubaiyat into English. For that reason it is still recognized that FitzGerald had great talent and was also a very intelligent being. Mainly, people have seen Omar Khayyams as such a great figure because of the aspect in his poetry. Khayyam demonstrates his understanding of human nature, mans loneliness and the complex inner being of a human through poetry. Around 1070AD Omar Khayyam moved to a place called Samarqand which is now known as one of the oldest cities located in Uzbekistan. It was only here that Khayyam did his mathematical work, which would make him even more famous for that as well. Abu Tahir, a well known jurist supported Khayyam in Samarqand which allowed Khayyam to write some his most famous algebra work. Now days, most people think that mathematics was all created by the Greeks. Then, once the ancient Greek empire collapsed, the math discoveries were stopped until the Europeans started to prove new findings around late 1300s. In fact, there were a huge amount of discoveries being made in the eastern side of the world. Countries such as, China, India, Persia, and the Muslim world were discovering specifically a language that would come to be known as algebra during Omar Khayyams time period. During this time in the west, mathematicians were not aware of the achievements being made by young scholars in the east. Omar Khayyams greatest achievement in math was the cubic equation. Although he did not solve this problem of inventing a cubic equation, he got a partial answer to it. Omar Khayyam was very frustrated with this for some time, and he wrote that later one in the future someone would come uncover this secret and it was actually the Europeans that took Khayyams partial answer and c onverted it into a full equation. Music is a part of our daily life; it is the spirit of our languages. Mohammad Reza Shajarian is well known around the world now to be a master of Persian music. Over 30 years ago, he made an album containing Omar Khayyams Rubaiyat and it is still one of the best sellers today. One of the famous lines is Ah, make the most of what we yet may spend, before we too in the dust descend, Dust into Dust and under Dust to lie, Sans Wine, Sans Song, Sans Singer, and Sans End! (Edward FitzGerald, The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam) Many people still believe that Omar Khayyams poetry had a substantial influence on him as an astronomer and only this ability allowed him to achieve the great discoveries he made. Khayyam found the lunar calendar, one of his biggest accomplishments throughout his life. Even though Khayyam is mainly known in our world today as a great poet mainly, but he was well known in his time for revolutionizing the way time was calculated. Prior to the discovery of the lunar calenda r, people would celebrate spring when it was actually winter or vice versa. Over the years, the king figured the time was being calculated incorrectly. This was due to the time measurements being taken from the moon. The old time calculating method still had 12 months but it had only 354 days in a year, which were slowly decreasing. The king Malik Shah at the time of Omar Khayyam needed an accurate calendar since he collected tax from the public every year. So the rule was that when you harvest your crop, you have to pay the tax. Sometimes, the kings people would claim to want more tax due to the year being shorter, or other times the farmers would say we dont owe any tax this year. The founder of the Seljuk dynasty, Toghril Beg had made Malik Shah, his grandson the ruler of Esfahan. So in the early 1070s the king Malik Shah and his chief Nizam al-Mulk requested Khayyam to go to Esfahan and setup a place built for the intellectual astronomers, known as an observatory. Omar Khayyam led the scientists and studied the movements in space over 18 years and they m ade their greatest discoveries here. This period of time was of political peace, which helped to dedicate Khayyam to this scholarly work. These astronomers were ingenious, they learned from the Greeks achievements in the past that one had to observer accurately, be extremely careful and they required high technological instruments. Khayyam observed that the planets and the sun change position all the time. However, the stars stay fixed but only relative to each other, so the astronomers used certain stars as reference points. Later, these were known as the signs of the zodiac. The astronomers calculated the time it took to go from one star to the other, and these are now called the months. This allowed Khayyam to calculate the time it took for the sun to make a complete revolution around the earth, which is known as a year. Khayyam came up with the length of the solar year which is very accurate even until today. He measured the length of the year to be precisely, 365.24219858156 days. Scientists have now proven that Khayyams calculation was correct upto sixth decimal places, since the earths revolution only goes to six decimal places accuracy, Khayyam actually had predicted with the over amount of significant figures and this is how accurate his calculations were. Khayyam would use an instrument called Astrola be. It was an amazing technology, which would allow one to accurately check what time it is at a certain point in the day. Even until after about 900 years, there exist some clubs named after Omar Khayyam and Edward FitzGerald who took the ingenious author out of the shadow. A dinner club dedicated to both these authors still exists today in London. This club was built in the early 1890s and does not allow women to be a part of it, even now. Its members eat dinner together in the remembrance of both the great authors. There exists a Club of Omar Khayyam in the United States as well and in the University of Texas, they have the world largest collection of the Rubaiyat. Ever since FitzGerald started to publish Omar Khayyams work in the west, advertisements started using Omar Khayyams name in the books. There were games made after Omar Khayyams name and many dinner menus. In Khayyams poetry, his main message across the audience was life is short; enjoy it while you still can. He used to say that one should maximize life, and have another glass of wine while still they can. The argument still continues about how much FitzGerald translated the Rubaiyat and how much of it was his own work. The original Persian copy of the Rubaiyat was not written in much order but FitzGerald arranged the Rubaiyat in a chronological manner increasing the poetries depth and meaning. It was not too long until the peaceful political period ended during Khayyams time. In 1092, Malik Shah died and his chief Nizam al-Mulk was murdered in Esfahan due to a terrorist movement known as the Assassins. Then later, Malik Shahs wife ruled for two years and many people did not support her. Consequently, the obersvatory was shut down and the funding was stopped. This meant that Khayyams mission to reform the calendar was put on hold. After a little while, Khayyam had been attacked by a g roup of religious people that claimed Khayyam was questioning the faith of the believers. Soon, Khayyam came to know that no one was in his favour, but he still tried to remain calm and hoped to regain favour. As the time passed one, he wrote a book a book which described Irans previous rulers as being great men of honour, since they had supported the scholarly works of science. At this point in time of Omar Khayyam, the rulers of this empire were not in favour of promoting any sort of scholarly work. Sanjar, Malik Shahs third son became the leader of the Seljuk Empire in 1118AD. Under Sanjars ruling Merv became the capital of the empire. It is now located in Mary, Turkmenistan, here Sanjar built a great center of Islamic studies and Khayyam found many more of his mathematic findings here. Khayyam discovered here that the a cubic equation can have more than one solution. Sadly, he was not able to prove that there could even be three solutions but he wrote in his work that he hopes one day arithmetic solution might be found one day.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Why Dualism is Rejected by Science Essay -- Dualism Essays

Throughout history there has been many different theory’s that have been presented, in numerous fashions. From psychology’s inception there has been attempts to answer many different questions, how much of our animal heritage exists, are humans basically good, is human nature neither good nor bad, do humans possess free will, is psychology really a science? There has been a persistent question throughout the ages, how are the mind and body related? This question of if there truly is a mind, and if there is, how is it linked to the body has been the center of many debates since the beginning of psychology. Every psychologist in history has at some point dealt with the question â€Å"How are the mind and body related†, and each had their own unique stance on the question. Through the decades, every imaginable position has been taken on the mind-body relationship, in an attempt to explain how the two are connected. There are different types of individuals that attem pt to explain the mind-body relationship; materialists, monists, idealists, and dualist. Each type differs on the explanation of the relationship between mind and body. â€Å"Some psychologist attempt to explain everything in physical terms; for them, even so-called mental events are ultimately explained by the laws of physics or chemistry (Hergenhahn, pg. 17)†. These individuals are called materialist. Materialist believes that matter is the only reality. The materialist believes that all things on earth are composed of material, and that all emergent phenomena in the universe, including consciousness, and the behavior of organisms, must be explained in terms of matter. In other words, the theory claims that our reality consists entirely of matter. Believing that there is only ... ...do humans possess free will, is psychology really a science? There has been a persistent question throughout the ages, on how are the mind and body related? One thing is for certain, humans and animals alike have both a body and mind, to be certain if the mind and body are separate or coexisting causing our actions and inactions will take more time and research. Psychology is still expanding, so there is still a great deal more to learn. Works Cited Hergenhahn , B. (2008). An inroduction to the history of psychology. (6th ed. pg. 17-18). Belmont,CA: Thomson Wadsworth. Slingerland, E. (2013). Body and Mind in Early China: An Integrated Humanities–Science Approach. Journal Of The American Academy Of Religion, 81(1), 6-55. Richert, R. L. (2008). Dualism Revisited: Body vs. Mind vs. Soul. Journal Of Cognition & Culture, 8(1/2), 99-115.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Second Noble Truth of Buddhism :: essays research papers fc

The Second Noble Truth - â€Å"Samudaya" The Truth of the Origin or the Cause of Suffering According to the philosophy of Buddhism is the Second Noble Truth : "Samudaya", the truth of the origin or the cause of suffering. Buddhists also believe that the origin of suffering is `attachment'. The Second Noble Truth invites us to understand the principle, that the origin of suffering is attachment to transient things and the ignorance thereof. Transient things do not only include the physical objects that surround us, but it also encompasses ideas, and, in a greater sense, all objects of our perception. Perhaps it could be said that ignorance is the lack of understanding of how our mind is attached to impermanent things. Some of the reasons for suffering are, desire, passion, pursuit of wealth and prestige, striving for fame and popularity, or in short: craving and grasping. We create our own suffering through our egotistical craving and desires. Because the objects of our attachment are impermanent their loss maybe inevitable and so suffering will follow. The Second Noble Truth has three aspects of attachment to desires. These three types of desire are the desire for sensual pleasure (kama tanha), the desire to become (bhava tanha) and the desire to get rid of (vibhava tanha). It is human nature to want more, more of what we like and to have better than what we have. This desire is not just for ourselves but for our children and the people we care about. It is in these desires that we can find the source of our suffering. We crave for the formation of states or realms of being that are not currently happening. As human beings we believe that the way of happiness is through sensual pleasure. We have five senses which respond to the world and through which we enjoy a lot of pleasure. For example we obtain great pleasure from the taste of food, viewing lovely sights, the feeling of a sea breeze or sexual pleasures. It is said that trying to satisfy our craving for pleasant experiences is like drinking saltwater when thirsty: it only increases our thirst. Even by means of the sixth sense in Buddhism, there is great pleasure to be had in fantasies and mental states of excitement, infatuations and so on. Our technological society extends all types of ways to extend our sensual pleasure, from viewing and listening to DVD’s, CDs, TVs and many other high-tech options.

The Rise of Silas Lapham by William Dean Howells Essay -- Papers Willi

The Rise of Silas Lapham by William Dean Howells In the novel, The Rise of Silas Lapham, William Dean Howells makes a particular point about the morals of an individual in the business world. His point is that an individual, such as Silas, must check their morals at the door if they have any plans to make it in the business world. The novel has always been popular, partly because it presents Lapham's financial and social failure as "consciously and deliberately chosen" when he has to decide whether he shall cheat and stay on top in business or tell the truth and fail irrecoverably (Gibson 283). The Rise of Silas Lapham is a novel that deals with the potential moral corruption of a man by money. The outward signs of Silas Lapham's corruption are his attempts to buy his way into social acceptance with a costly house and to buy his way out of moral responsibility through the deliberately unwise loan to a former partner and victim. The loan, made with money that his wife prevented him from spending on the house, is a complication that is neither accidental nor trivial. His eventual "rise" is a moral one resulting from the rejection of a legally sound but purely materialistic standard. It is accompanied by a corresponding adjustment in his understanding of the meaning of social differences, and a return to the "tradition" which had given his own family life solidity and dignity (Bennet 150). By using setting, symbolism and characterization, William Dean Howells writes about the conflicts of an individual and the world of big business, in the 19th century. The setting is a crucial part of the story. The Rise of Silas Lapham is set in the city of Boston, Massachusetts in the late 19th century. If the story where set anyw... ...terature. Ed. Frank N. Magill. Vol. 3. Marshall Cavendice Corporation: New York, 1991. 932-945. Kirk, Clara Manburg. W.D. Howells and Art In His Time. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1965. Petry, Alice Hall. "William Dean Howells." Critical Survey of Long Fiction. Ed. Frank N. Magill. Vol. 4. Englewood Cliffs: Salem Press, 1983. 1,368-1,379. Pizer, Donald. "The Ethnical Unity of The Rise of Silas Lapham." Critics on William Dean Howells. Ed. Paul A. Eschholz. Coral Garden: University of Miami Press. 80-83. "Portrait Of An American." William Dean Howells: The Development of A Novelist. Ed. George N. Bennet. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1959. 50-51, 80-81, 150-161. Scudder, Horace E. "Recent American Fiction." Critical Essays On William Dean Howells, 1866-1920. Ed. Edwin H. Cady and Norma W. Cady. Boston: G.K. Hall & Co., 1983. 37-57

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Differences Between Associate Degree Nurse and Baccalaureate Degree Nurse Essay

There are several benefits of having a baccalaureate-degree (BSN) over the associate’s degree (ADN). In this essay, I will discuss how effective communication can be further developed when obtaining the BSN. Next, I will talk about how a BSN can create a more highly qualified nursing workforce. Lastly, it will be explained that getting a BSN will create better career and higher education opportunities. EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION â€Å"Communication is central to human interaction. Without it, people cannot relate to those around them, make their needs and concerns known or make sense of what is happening to them. One of the most basic goals for nursing staff is that their patients and clients and those who care for them experience effective communication†, (Wallis, 2011, p. 35). Effective communication can be further developed by obtaining a BSN and can ultimately lead you to be a better nurse, leader, and professional. Being a nurse of any level, you are communicating important information regarding the patient. If your report is not thorough, you may miss vital pieces of information pertaining to your patients care. It will build a more trusting relationship between your patients, co-workers and supervisors. HIGHLY QUALIFIED NURSING WORKFORCE BSN level nurses will provide a better program than the ADN level nurses with their increase level of critical thinking and using evidence based practice. â€Å"The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), the national voice for baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs, believes that education has a significant impact on the knowledge and competencies of the nurse clinician, as it does for all healthcare providers† (Fact Sheet, 2012, p. 1). The BSN increases knowledge in psychology, science, sociology, and management. The BSN applies the knowledge that they have learned. With the increase of knowledge in management, they will be able to prioritize and organize the workload of the patients. With the increase of science they will have a better understanding of how the body works and use critical care assessments of the patient with evidence based practice. This will improve patient safety and the care of the patient. The BSN nurses will be more educated in the differences in patient’s culture and way of thinking due to their increase in psychology and sociology. BSN level will have better outcomes for the patient thus leading to lower mortality rates. â€Å"In the October 2012 issue of Medical Care, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania found that surgical patients in Magnet hospitals had 14% lower odds of inpatient death within 30 days, and 12% lower odds of failure-to-rescue compared with patients cared for in non-Magnet hospitals. The study authors conclude that these better outcomes were attributed in large part to investments in highly qualified and educated nurses, including a higher proportion of baccalaureate prepared nurses† (Fact Sheet, 2012, p. 1). As an example of a patient care situation, two men came into the ER with gunshot wounds, one to the leg and the other to the abdomen. The ADN nurse went straight to the man with the abdomen gunshot, not noticing the man with a gunshot wound to the leg was not breathing. The bullet had hit his popliteal artery; therefore he had lost too much blood to survive. The nurse should have done her quick assessment correctly as evidence based practice has shown. This goes to show that using critical care thinking and evidence based theory not only end in better outcomes but also can saves patients lives. HIGHER EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES A BSN degree is essential if you want to move to a leadership or management role. Leadership skills are essential when you are a charge nurse, on a committee or in administration. A BSN education will provide you with confidence to excel in these settings. â€Å"The nation’s Magnet hospitals, which are recognized for nursing excellence and superior patient outcomes, have moved to require all nurse managers and nurse leaders to hold a baccalaureate or graduate degree in nursing by 2013. Settings applying for Magnet designation must also show what plans are in place to achieve the IOM recommendation of having an 80% baccalaureate prepared RN workforce by 2020† (Fact Sheet, 2012, p. 3). One more advantage of baccalaureate-degree program is that it is a bridge for master’s degree level. CONCLUSION BSN level nurses will provide a better program than the ADN level nurses. Critical thinking, communication, and leading are imperative to the nursing career. â€Å"Professionalism, ethical decision making, accountability, critical thinking, and effective communication are emphasized. This is achieved through the application of liberal arts constructs, science, health and nursing theories, and the values of the Christian faith within the scope of nursing knowledge and evidence-based practice† (Philosophy, p. 1). Education is the key for success and better outcome of patients.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Digital Marketing Plan Essay

IntroductionIn the authentic age of advanced railway locomotive room and media, where nodes live with access to broad selling discipline whatsoever fourth dimension, it is non wanton for a argumentation establishment to age and heighten efficiently with discover implementing sound merchandising strategies. Such strategies should mainly take digital merchandise beca utilization of the broad hold of computers and bridal of internet and other associate devices. With unimportant investment on web ground trade and creation of website, a wide population of customers and bracing marketplaceplaces may be passing attr conducted by much(prenominal) market technique. The register paper major in providing a digital merchandise pattern for bagel Nash Limited. The hospitality indus study, is normally close changing and dynamic sector. It constitutes to the track sectors in the global economy, con arrayring its turnover and trans bodily functions. As a result, hotel sector is passing sophisticated and agonistical industry. As bagel Nash has hugely heavy(p) and op termting in many another(prenominal) nations in the globe, it is now a must for beigel Nash Ltd to adopt a digital merchandising dodging to en adapted the accessible club balk ahead of its competitors.Adoption of digital selling strategy go away a comparable change the association to pull in and bear a massive population of customers, market sh atomic number 18, and maximise its profits in the todays competitive environment whose customers score ample cultivation regarding the market (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick 2012, p. 15). digital market is one of the current libertine jazzy and growing solutions that enable companies to pull in maximumcustomers under no boundaries. If beigel Nash adopts a digital selling strategy, the ac caller-up bequeath find it lucky to send messages to its likely customers, and as a result, this strategy ordaining end up pulling many parvenue customers (Ryan & Jones 2012, p. 56). The economy of the todays bea is actually demanding every business possessor to look for the best selling deals he or she substructure find. Usually, one clear only find these deals on the internet. digital market helps companies to maximize their movie to consumers who be highly looking for the ingatherings and service of the companies.This expression feeds digital selling much than operant than any other form of advertising. increase the exposure of the party by meaning of acceptance of digital selling is highly represent by big firms especially McDonalds (Parkin 2009, p. 67). digital market get out pee numerous benefits for twain beigel Nash Ltd and its customers. However, on the other hand, adoption of digital selling strategy has some drawbacks, which arose from the social occasion of engineering and internet marketing as comfortably as its popularity of the target market.When using digi tal marketing beigel Nash immerse not cut back its marketing calculate in the current economy. Instead, this ready diet nerve entrust only accent on using its marketing figure efficiently by investing in digital marketing campaigns (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick 2012, p. 25). Actually, this is the appropriate time for Bagel Nash Corporation to review its marketing plans and read digital marketing into its counselling due to the rising costs of marketing using traditional Medias much(prenominal) as Magazines, which do not give the ships caller-out a guarantee that it is actually targeting its potential customers. Situation analysisThere ar very view business organizations that hold up without marketing in the current era of information communication and technology. If fortunately, a received business is efficiently growing, this does not involve that the organization has captured all the entire market leaving no to a greater extent ontogenesis opportunities. If an org anization is already progressing, such an organization dejection perform much divulge by adopting a digital marketing strategy, thus enabling it to increase its market sh ar (Chaffey 2000, p. 157). If an individual has a business in the modern marketplace, it pull up stakes definitely be hard to run it with implementing a marketing strategy and not enough running a local parvenuespaper advertising to maximize the businessexposure (Bird & Bird 2007, p. 78).In addition, running an advertisement on a local TV station is currently useless because the some appropriate forms of marketing are those found on online marketing. In summary, onwards an organization cast downs getting the advantage of a large consumer base the organization should determine that it attracts them to its website, and that is when the tools of online marketing eff into action. There is need to present goods and work in a visually and clear appealing manner on the organizations website. The website, o rdain be the store of the alliance on the internet. The services and pabulum substances prolonged by Bagel Nash pull up stakes be convenient to access, having fair prices, and clear defined delivery methods (Ginty, Vaccarello & Leake 2012, p. 134). The fond club should to a fault add a communicate to its website for the theatrical role of providing fresh means, innovations, and photos for customers to get to a look. Adding a web log depart as well as back up in satisfying the criteria of the look for engine for active re tenderal as headspring as use. Adding a communicate to the alliances website also helps during replacement of the count engine (Chaffey 2008, p. 143).Other popular approaches that plenty be use to help Bagel Nash to market its website are social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, link tropeing, Buzz, and other simulated military operation of search engine optimization (Wind & Mahajan 2001, p. 89). The corporation mess also market the web site through the use of Google tools such as Google topical anesthetic in browse to maximize its online exposure. disdain the benefit of all these methods and tools, where an organization can promote its website using online marketing, organizations still overhear to deal with some unwraps that are colligate with digital marketing (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick 2012, p. 45). Online credential issue is the key concern with customers who prefer online shop and need some kind of security measures to be sure that the information they volition be provide for their transaction cannot be accessed by other users or crime in future. A fraternity can resolve this matter of security by acquiring some verification certificates for online security and incorporating them on its website (Kaufman 2014, p. 90).Other concerns of online marketing include viral marketing, annoying banner ads that may discourage customers, placing much information al intimately products and services on the home rapscallion that is unnecessary to the customers, and problems when searching for a product or service on the website (Payne, Frow & Cambridge University extort 2013, p. 79). Therefore, it is recommended that, before anorganization launches a digital marketing strategy, it should clearly understand whether the customer do online shopping frequently and whether they conduct skills of surfing the internet. As far as Bagel Nash is concerned, its target market is tourists and great deal who like fast fares and are continuously updated just about the latest trends in fast food industry (Greenberg & Kates 2014, p. 115). Therefore, these concourse depose on internet to get new updates about hospitality services and do interactions some of their time on the internet. ObjectivesAchieving although contend objectives are already dance orchestra for the come with to achieve in the close troika years. Due to the current poor scotch status that the go with is in operation(p) in, a chieving these objectives in the first year ordain be slow. The objective of the first year forget be to variety brand cognisance to the market. Bagel Nash will attend to in maximizing the awareness of its fast food products and services and their availability as easy. We have already created the corporations summon on Facebook, which has more than than 1,000 customer likes. Theses likes are for people from different countries around the world. The keep partnerships marketers will promote the website by using other main social networking sites, in-store advertisements, and electronic mails. Optimization of search engine and update process of the political partys information will be carried out more efficiently in order to image the website is always in front in searching results using different search engines.During the year, the company will also publish secure online shopping which will aid in improving the companys growth rate. The rate of growth of the company wi th increase from 6% of 2014 to 10% before the first year ends. In the side by side(p) year Bagel Nash will be growing steady growth and will be among the leading search engines. In this year, the company will highly tension on introducing innovative technology and ensure that it uses the latest web technologies to enable love of new visitors. The growth rate in this year will be anticipate to increase by 7% because the company will open new branches in other countries.Bagel Nash will offer online selling to the countries it will be operating in (Ferrell 2014, p. 56). In the third year, the company will revive for the worlds economy, hope richly. The company will be able to capture a 25% market share. For British, aggressive marketing technique to maximize its market share. Online shoppingwill be introduced to Britain countries in order to facilitate the companys valuable customers as considerably as maximizing its market share. As a result, this will increase footfall-struggle attracting new customers (Dholakia 2002, p. 57). StrategyThe following are the strategies that will be utilize to make the digital marketing plan more successful. Facebook lookalike audience- victimization Facebook, lookalike audience will enable the company to reach new customers who will be interested in the services of the company because they are like the live customers the company cares about. Using Custom Audiences, the company can decide to develop a alike(p) audience that aims at targeting people who have similar characteristics with the Custom Audience sway (Marich 2013, p. 76). For instance, if the company has over 5,000 contacts in its marketing entropybase, the company can upload this contacts onto Facebook and enable targeting a demographic that is similar to the existing buyers. Email marketing- another strategy that will be apply is email marketing.This fast food company will duple the number of emails it sends per month. In case the company has stimulate gui nea pig of information that it would like to send to customers, it will be easy to inform all the subscribers that are in companys email constitute via email communications. It is logical to get by that, email marketing is the leading digital transmit utilize by many companies for ROI (Hemann 2013, p. 89). Bagel Nash will start strategizing highly on making email marketing a digital marketing strategy. Better blogging- most customers like referring to the confine of a companys blog as the get together a company should use to start the fire. The marketers of Bagel Nash LTD will try to come up with a compelling content of the companys blog. A compelling blog content always has a potential of ranking well in all search engines. 90% of blog accesses are new and therefore, this will act as a exertionr for the website business of the company. In addition, the blog will also be used to serve as a Twitter and Facebook post content and also as a receive for email marketing campaign s.By ensuring that the blog of the company has better content, its web business will rise as well as the content becoming more compelling. Digital PR- one can build contribution of the content through instruction execution of Digital PR strategy. Reaching out to several websites and sending them using a solid pitch, theycan end up writing an article of the company or try to feature the Companys CEO on a blog post. The more people talk about the company and its services and Tweeting and chatting about the company, the more the company will be overt in the upcoming years. Unique progression- the marketers will brainstorm a very extraordinary form of promotional material that will attract more people and, as a result, this unique promotion will drive enormous publicity for the company in the next three years.The unique promotion of Bagel Nash will come up with user made jingle struggle and photo upload promotion to invite its great buffs on social media networks to fully underst and the services offered by the company in a clever way. In case this promotion will bend successful, it will be class-conscious as one of the most popular promotions for the company in the next years. We expect that this digital marketers plan will hit if the to a higher(prenominal) place discussed strategies are implemented properly. In the leaning of the above discussed strategies are new maculation some have been being used for the past years. If these strategies will be co-ordinated properly, the company will have a perfect development and growth for the next three years using a digital marketing perspective. The strategies will highly contribute towards attraction of new customers and as a result increase gross r thus farue and profit of the company. TacticsThe most usually used evasive actions by many companies is e-mail marketing. However, most studies conclude that even if e-mail marketing is in general used digital marketing tactic because it is measured and les s costly, services offered by Bagel Nash Company need other simulated military operation to coordinate with e-mail marketing. Discussed below are the tactics that will be used during the writ of execution of digital marketing plan. complaisant media- marketers tend to focus highly on social media and spend more currency on it than other digital marketing tactics. This is due to the fact that this tactic is the most commonly used online activity in most countries. Just like any other tactic such as e-mail marketing, social has a higher capability of retaining customers and increase the companys exposure. In addition, social media has low controvert impact regarding rewarding existing customers (Greenberg & Kates 2014, p. 25).Referral marketing- referral marketing is the leading tactic in wrong of acquiring customers and shaping conversions. Most people are aware of referral marketing and argue that it is among the efficienttactics. Bagel Nash will use referral marketing to lead generation possibilities (Fenwick & Wertime 2013, p. 34). The tactic will enable the company to attract new customers as well as building stronger customer relationship. The marketers of Bagel Nash will enjoy one of the main advantages of this digital marketing tactic. Referral marketing will highly optimize the sales volume of the company, giving the company a qualified predictions that will increase its sales funnel (Vassos 2006, p. 95). Referral marketing will help the companys marketers achieve a more qualified appearing from customers due to their satisfaction. Referral marketing is a very good tactic used in many organizations to attract and retain customers.It is a methodical customer motorbike that is based on the strength of issuing (Jones & Silverstein 2009, p. 58). Content marketing- according to most studies, content marketing is the second leading digital marketing strategy after social media when it comes to matters of spending. In addition, content marketing is ra nked as the most stiff tactic in the area of achieving marketing goals such as retention and awareness. Customers seek advice and information on business lines they have interest. Therefore, Bagel Nash will put much drive to give its customers relevant information to enable it gain authority on its field by being a tested and helpful resource (Ginty, Vaccarello, & Leake 2012, p. 145). According to political economy such as Jeremy Chandler, content marketing portrays the companys human side to people.The website developers will be encouraged to make use of personal voice and try by all means not to eliminate human voice on the companys website (Lee & Ebrary 2001, p. 98). Customers tend to father more addicted to organizations that offer current content about their goods and services and incorporating content marketing into the digital marketing strategy will help in attracting and retaining a large population of customers (Bailey 2011, p. 67). In order to attract more customers and achieve the set goals, it will be necessary to heighten all the above discussed tactics into the digital marketing plan. In additional, Bagel Nash should not at any time forget treating its customers with prime(prenominal) care. ActionSuccessful implementation actions of digital marketing can bring significant advantages to an organization. Digital marketing will be the main effective means of achieving the goals and objectives of Bagel Nash LTD. The marketerswill ensure that they build up a reliable customer relationship as well as business contacts through the use of digital tools. These will not only be used to communicate with the customers but also to get their suggestions and comments. Secondly, it will be of great advantage to contact marketing inquiry in order to enable the marketers use the appropriate platform for the digital marketing strategy. It is important to understand the target conclave of customers in order to accept the check channel of reaching them ( Wilson 2001, p. 123).Another action that will be put into pull is considering the benefits achieved through the use of different digital channels in order to choose the suitable one. Email marketing will be one of the most effective means of reaching the companys target audience. The marketers will make use of this tool and design a fiber content that can attract more customers. Controls- Bagel Nash is among the leading fast food restaurants in Britain and always focuses on the quality of food and services it offers to its customers. The staff members are all the time ready to mitigate the companys marketing ashes and implement digital strategies.With the availability of both external and internal controls the marketing direction will be able to wage hike the current marketing system and guess performance accordingly (Flores & Palgrave colligate (Online service) 2014, p. 67). The oversight of the company is always in a process of improving their food and services and always ready to hear the views of their customers (Thomas 2011, p. 90). The company already focuses on improving customer services and the introduction of the new digital marketing strategies will enable the company improve customer satisfaction and attract more customers. The marketing department will comprise of advertisement manager, advertisement analyst, promotion manager, promotion analyst, sales manager, and market seek analyst. Implementation plan table stopping pointIn conclusion, digital marketing is broadly being used by a large number of companies. In the current age of advanced technology and media, where customers have access to broad marketing information any time, it is not easy for a business organization to grow and develop efficiently without implementing sound marketing strategies. Implementing digital marketing strategy will highly contribute towards the growth and development of Bagel Nash Ltd.BibliographyBailey, M 2011, internet marketing An hour a day, Indianapol is, Ind Wiley Technology Publishing. Bird, D, & Bird, D 2007, commonsensical direct & digital marketing, London Kogan Page. Chaffey, D 2000, meshwork marketing Strategy, implementation and practice, Harlow, Engl. u.a. fiscal Times/Prentice Hall. Chaffey, D 2008, net marketing Strategy, implementation and practice, Harlow u.a. Prentice Hall. Chaffey, D, & Ellis-Chadwick, F, 2012, Digital marketing Strategy, implementation and practice, Harlow etc. Pearson. Dholakia, N 2002, global e-commerce and online marketing Watching the evolution, Westport, Conn Quorum Books. Fenwick, I, & Wertime, K 2013, Digi marketing The essential guide to new media and digital marketing, Hoboken, N.J Wiley. Ferrell, OC 2014, marketing. Australia Mason, OH South Western Cengage Learning. Flores, L, & Palgrave Connect (Online service) 2014, How to measure digital marketing prosody for assessing impact and designing success. Ginty, M, Vaccarello, L, & Leake, W 2012, empty B2B online marketing, Hoboken, N.J J. Wiley & Sons. Ginty, M, Vaccarello, L, & Leake, W 2012, Complete B2B online marketing, Hoboken, N.J J. Wiley & Sons. Greenberg, E, & Kates, A 2014, strategic digital marketing How to apply an unified marketing and ROI framework for your business. 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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Milgram Obedience Review Essay

Milgram Obedience Review Essay

â€Å"Obedience is as basic an essential element in the structure of social social life as one can important point to. Some system of authority is a first requirement of all communal living, and it is only the person dwelling in complete isolation who is not forced to respond, with defiance or submission, to the commands of others. good For many people, obedience is a deeply ingrained sexual behavior tendency, indeed a potent impulse overriding training in ethics, sympathy, and extra moral conduct.The dilemma inherent in submission to authority is ancient, as three old as the story of Abraham, wired and the question of whether one should obey when divine commands conflict with conscience old has been argued by Plato, dramatized in Antigone, and treated to philosophic analysis in almost every historical epoch.Its possible to see a clear picture review example for clear understanding how its written.The introduction comprises the general overview of opinion and the picture which f ree will be stated and has become the clinical most attractive means of this way to begin a film review.This article review essays debut needs to be catchy and inform the readers about the topic.

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